Description: The most extensive web archive of vintage computers, manuals, old ads, brochures, pictures. Manage your vintage computer collection online!

commodore (289) atari (240) acorn (136) sinclair (90) apple computer (54) apple ii (29) zx80 (6) intertec (4) zxspectrum (3) zx spectrum service manual (1)

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We are one of the most extensive web archives of vintage computers.

We have maintained this site for over twenty years, 2018 was our 20th anniversary, we want to express our appreciation to our users and collaborators who have supported us through the years. Whether you were here from day one or you just found out about us, welcome and thank you!

First and foremost, here you will find a lot of useful information about vintage computers, but also the biggest online vintage brochure collection and a treasure trove of old manuals, advertisements and magazines, be sure to check 'em out!

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