1127web.com - Eleven Twenty-Seven Web

Example domain paragraphs

Who are you? We are an agile team of programmers and designers based in St. Louis and lead by Scott Gurley.

What do you do? In a nutshell, we build tools our clients use to do business. While these are web-based tools, these aren't your usual "Brochure on the Web" type of websites. Instead, our sites are fully custom-made, hand-built systems that often integrate complex data structures. We believe in total automation (and error-correcting feedback loops) with minimal call backs. We like to build systems for our clients that don't need ongoing maintenance or a call for just a minor change. Some examples include:

How do you do it? Utilizing open-source software such as PHP and MySQL we build solutions with free software with security as part of its DNA. We keep up with the latest technologies but avoid that "bleeding edge" where money is wasted. We use proven/robust solutions and partner with Amazon Web Services to provide flawless reliability and security.