1611kingjamesbible.com - King James Bible 1611

Description: A defense of the Textus Receptus

kjv (352) king james bible (110) the bible (80) authorized version (6) textus receptus (6) king james only (5) 1611 king james bible (1) defending the king james bible (1)

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Which version of the Bible do you read? Does it really matter? I mean, a Bible's a Bible, right? I mean, there are a few minor differences between the translations, but hey, what's the difference? And what about those radical " King James Only " nutbags? 

Until recently, my wife and I both thought that the " King James Only " crowd was a bunch of " wacko Christians " who needed to stop being so uptight. We both felt that the NASB, the NIV, and the New King James, and the 1611 Authorized King James were basically the same, with a few differences, but nothing major. We felt like those were the " accepted versions " and the only versions to worry about were those paraphrases like the Living Bible, Good News Bible, and the Message.

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