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Description: One shortcut is all you need to electrify your results. Take any one shortcut from these exciting pages. The Pathway of One Shortcut empowers you to empower yourself. Success gets easier

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Index Master 1     Index Master a     Index Master c     Index Master d     Index Master g     Index Master h-MisterShortcut     index-master     index-master-1     index-master-2     index-master-3 index-master-4     index-master-5     index-master-6     index-master-7     index-master-8     index-master-9-Mister-Shortcuts     index-master-i-MisterShortcut May you come to fully appreciate just what you have "stumbled" into: 180,000,000 of my most precious possessions, invested into you. One Shortcut Is Wha

Shortcuts do not fail - we can only fail to use our best shortcuts. Look at all of the self-empowering people you admire. Look again. In every case, you will find common traits among the self-empowered. Stop waiting for other people to empower you, because they cannot do so. We can only empower ourselves, and it's silly to think you might be an exception. Self-empowerment is like motivation, which means, "the force from within that drives."

Since you already know - or should - that today is the most powerful day of your life, there is no better day for you to get busy empowering yourself. This is where excellence comes forth from.

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