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Description: EMF Radiation Pollution. Most damaging form of pollution. 24x7, made worse by wireless EMF. Fight back, reversing EMF pollution instantly with supercharged lasers, QVials, FoodBoosters, Torroids, and more. Learn more to live more. Sponsored by Foodboosters

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Published in the interest of helping people to help themselves. Reversing the idea of product placement, master secrets of the universe are herein hidden within the ads! Let's reverse EMF radiation, from non-ionizing, stealing free electrons, to fully ionizing, delivering benefit! -- EMF Pollution is the worst of all pollutions. Prove it w/ the one-second energy test. Proof of dirty and clean energy. Learn at QRA.me , and other QRA sites, including Bidigitally.com , Bidigitals.com , etc. Smart phones, so-ca

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