2014research.com - Progressive Change Campaign Committee 2014 Research | Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC)

Description: Sen. Max Baucus (D-MT) - gun, lobbyist, industry money Voters overwhelmingly support background checks. Click here to see the state-by-state polling results.    Sen. Heidi Heitkamp has received $125,635 from lobbyists (source).    Sen. Mark Pryor has received over $428,000 from lobbyists (source).   Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) - gun money

online (35438) politics (4190) progressive (1133) liberal (465) democrats (327) grassroots (215) pccc (51) progressive change campaign committee (28) boldprogressives.org (28) bold progressives (28)

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771,000 members strong

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