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Would you like to lose unwanted Fat in the next 21 days without any supplements and without restricting calories? Well, you can! Read below to learn about the exact system used to get these kinds of results. In fact, I used this system to drop 14 lbs. of stubborn belly fat AND I am a fit personal trainer. While researching fat loss secrets for our clients two personal trainers stumbled upon a secret that literally melts stubborn belly fat off the people who follow it; even those who have tried before to los

The 21 Day Fat Flush program was created in response to a burning question. “How do I get a six pack? “ As a trainer that was probably the number one thing that my clients wanted. Even for myself, I was fit, ate well and did core exercises yet my mid section did not have a rippling six-pack. Like many of you I thought more exercise was the answer. For me, it was more cardio. I already weight trained 3-4 x per week and regularly did core exercises.  So the answer had to be: do more cardio to burn off the fat

So off I went in search of more cardio. One of my lifelong goals had been to complete an Ironman ™ triathlon. Secretly, I figured all the cardio would deliver the secondary goal of eliminating the fat from my waistline as well. During the year leading up to Ironman Canada in 2009 I kept up with my weight training 2-3x per week and ate a healthy diet (or so I thought)and added in up to 20 hours per week of cardio-vascular training in the form of running, cycling and swimming. The result? The lowest body fat

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