22kiss.com - 久发体育-久发体育中国集团有限公司官网

Description: 久发体育-久发体育中国集团有限公司官网于2001年12月创立,(818988d.com @@@ 在2005年12月在港证所开市)公司注册资本556万,公司拥有固定资金789亿。是专业生产高端机械零部件产品的出口企业。公司产品主要应用于化工、采矿、市政配套、消防、发电机组、发动机等工业领域,销售市场集中于北美和欧洲。

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Example domain paragraphs


Improving citizen compliance is a major goal of public administration, especially during crises. Although social media are widely used by government agencies across the globe, it is still unclear that whether the use of social media can help local governments improve citizen compliance especially during crises. Based on an original daily panel dataset of 189 cities in China during COVID-19, this study provides empirical evidence for the positive effect that crisis-related social media posts published by loc

This paper investigates whether and how import competition affects firm innovation. Using China's World Trade Organization (WTO) accession as a quasi-natural experiment, we find that import competition reduces firm innovation, which is consistent with the Schumpeterian effect. We also find heterogeneous treatment effects across firm productivity and patent types in a way consistent with preference and knowledge spillover effects, but not with escape-competition and trapped-factor effects.

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