281stahc-assn.org - The US Military

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In the United States of America, there are 5 different branches of the military that are in place and that one can join to serve this country. These different branches are Navy, Army, Air Force, the Coast Guard, and Marines. All of these are somehow different from each other but the major thing they all have in common is that they help to serve and protect the citizens of the USA. This article will describe one out of the five branches, the United States Army.

The Army is tasked with handling the protection and defense of the country on the ground. This work is done using of ground troops of well-trained soldiers, helicopters, tactical nuclear weapons and tanks. It’s the oldest of all of the branches having been established on the June 14, 1775. It’s also the largest of all of the branches as well with a combined strength of about 1,018,000 soldiers. The Army is also supported by two groups called the Army Reserve and the Army National Guard with each state havin

Regular army active soldiers – This branch of the army is always on active duty for the day in day out operations. Each Soldier has their own special training and serves a crucial function within their unit. These active duty soldiers serve 24 hours a day, 7 days a week during their time in service.