360equine.ie - 360Equine Horse Stables, Barns, Walkers, Solariums Paddock fencing, Weighing scales& more

Description: 360 Equine provide unique products to the horse industry in Ireland. Exclusive supply of Stables, Barns, Walkers, Steel paddock fencing, Weighing scales, Vibro floors, and more

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“I am extremely impressed with the level and speed of results with this product. It really helped to maximise the horse’s natural ability and free up movement. The horses on it, also felt better in themselves. It gets to work quickly and the difference in recovery time between races is stunning. I highly recommend PJS+.” Brendan Duke - Racing Trainer “ This supplement has produced excellent results on a range of different issues including clicky joints, long term hind limb stiffness, improved comfort/perfor

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