3ddp.ru - 3 Quick and Easy Steps to Time Management Mastery

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Time management is one of the least-mastered and most-desired skills in out fast-paced modern world. Time management truly is critical to becoming successful, doing everything you want to, and achieving ultimate success.

What do you need to do to DOUBLE your time management ability? Do these things NOW:

1) Eliminate time wasters in your life. Time wasters are things that interrupt you and you spend time doing, but you wouldn’t have chosen to do them given the choice. Eliminating these time wasters is critical for time management: • Email—If you are spending more than 30 minutes per day on email (unless that is your business) you are spending too much! • Telephone—If you answer the phone live more than 5 times per day during your productive time (work, work at home, etc.) you are sacrificing time management

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