40to60rh.com - Relative humidity of 40-60% in buildings will reduce respiratory infections and save lives. - 40to60RH

Description: Join me in the fight against viral infections! Sign the petition now to call on the WHO to make a change. #RH40to60 #40to60RH

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There is now overwhelming scientific evidence that a mid-range air humidity has significant benefits for human health. It is very possible for us to be managing the indoor air quality of our public buildings in line with this evidence. The time has come for regulations on indoor air quality to include a humidity level of 40-60%RH. This is the optimal level for our respiratory immune system, and will reduce the spread of seasonal respiratory illnesses and their burden on society.

I am calling on the World Health Organization to review the scientific evidence on humidity and health, and recommend a minimum lower limit of indoor humidity in public buildings to reduce respiratory infections.

Infection Control Consultant at Harvard Medical School ASHRAE Distinguished Lecturer & Member of the ASHRAE Epidemic Task Group

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