46undergroundpvd.com - 46undergroundPVD | a little listening room for big music lovers

Description: 46 Underground PVD, the humble basement of a humble Providence home, hosts monthly house shows featuring local and regional artists. Unless otherwise noted, doors open at 7 with an optional potluck dinner, music starts around 7:30 and ends at 10 p.m., and the suggested donation is $10, all of which goes to the artist(s). __________________________…

Example domain paragraphs

As part of the ongoing effort to improve contact quality, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires validation for each registrant contact registering a generic TLD. This is required since January 1, 2014 for all gTLDs.

If the domain registrant’s email address is not verified by the registrant, the domain must be suspended.

One of these reasons may apply: