4stagesstudio.com - 华亿体育(中国)科技股份公司

Description: 华亿体育(中国)科技股份公司于1998年11月创立,(818988d.com @ 在2008年11月在港证所开市)公司注册资本666万,公司拥有固定资金999亿。是国家首批信息化试点单位,国家工业和信息化深度融合示范企业,国家首批电子商务示范城市试点项目单位,商务部电子商务示范企业。

华亿体育(中国)科技股份公司 (38)

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Home of UX Ideologist, Radical Inclusionist, and Content Evangleist – Mike Donahue

In the worlds of Lean Startup, Lean UX, and Design Thinking (DT), the prevailing wisdom tells us to build the smallest viable thing, test, evaluate, and iterate. The reason being, the more time, money, and effort you invest in the untested, the more you stand to lose. And, the more likely you are to get it wrong.

Let’s face it, until something is validated it’s just an assumption. In that way, fail fast, learn fast, just makes good sense. So what’s the problem?

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