501biodyn.de - 501 BIO DYN – Die Messe für biodynamische Spitzenweine in München

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“501”! Some might think of the jeans brand in their youth; some might not even understand what this combination of numbers means. However, a few would know it’s about biodynamic wines. “501” stands for one of the most important preparations in biodynamic agriculture: The horn-silica preparation, that incites growth and maturation processes! Nomen est Omen. In the growing scene of biodynamic wines, it is ripe for its own Fair. The “501” is the new trade fair dedicated to biodynamic top wines.

The 501 Bio-Dyn specializes in biodynamic working winemakers. Quality and enjoyment are ideally combined with biodynamic wines. Neither technology nor chemistry determines the quality and the taste of these wines, but the soil, the climate and the skill of the winemakers. Terroir-specific and authentic wines are the results that you can discover on the 501 Bio Dyn. The 501 Bio-Dyn is ideal for trade visitors from the gastronomy and retail trade.

501 Bio-Dyn offers the following biodynamic associations and their winemakers a platform to present their high-quality wines to the interested, specialist audience. The following leading associations are exhibiting together at the fair:

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