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Description: 欧宝娱乐官网,我们相信你的教育应该以圣经为基础.欧宝娱乐官网寻求在你经历的每一个方面—— 在课堂上——更接近神的话语,体育运动,尤其是你与朋友和教授在一起的时间.

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在坚实可靠, 欧宝娱乐官网 that God calls students into our close-knit community to dig deep into their personal faith, 确定他们的人生使命, and be transformed through their educational experience. 欧宝娱乐官网 college should be fun, campus should be cozy and coffee should be caffeinated. 让我们一起开始吧,看在上帝的份上  欧宝娱乐官网 .

有益的,根植于圣经的, your academic experience at Multnomah will prepare you as a Christian leader in whichever field you choose to study.

想知道什么专业适合你? MyMajor评估测验可以提供帮助. 它符合你的兴趣, 资质, and preferences to Multnomah under研究生 majors offered on campus.

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