567thbattalion.com - A History of the 567th Battalion

Description: A History of the 567th Battalion, 567th battalion

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This website is dedicated to the memories of the soldiers of the 567th AAA Battalion who fought in WWII.  My father Chester Charles Schliep served in this Battalion.  I am his daughter Renee (Schliep) Winklmann.  The idea for this website came to me as I was going through old boxes of photographs and papers that I inherited from my parents after their death.  I came across two typewritten documents:  One about the Battalion in general and the other about Battery A of the Battalion.  The paper that they were

The 567th's insignia is shown in the upper left corner of this web page.  It is a “Red Jackass”.  It's origins are explained in the second edition of the battalion's newspaper “The Muzzleburst”.  The patch in the upper right corner is an army Anti‐Aircraft artillery patch.

The contents of this website are listed in the index to the left.  Please note that many of the indices in the index refer to a PDF.  Depending upon how you have your browser set up, these files may be opened in a new tab of your browser or you may have to access them in your download folder.  So, if you click on an index and you are not transferred anywhere, you will need to retreive the PDF document from your download folder.