5kperday.com - The $5K / 5K Per Day Video, from Nelson Berry's Subliminal Video Messages - home

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 The amazing $5K Per Day Video has been around several years, but remains popular still.  It is from Subliminal Video Messages, founded and created by Nelson Berry.

Subliminal Videos offer a virtual vision board type of experience, as you gaze at the slideshow style presentation, filled with images of positive people, places, and events.  As you watch and relax, barely visible text messages flash quickly, around 30 frames per second, aimed straight toward your subconscious mind.  Mirrored in the relaxing soundtrack are audio versions of the same affirmations.

Please note that not everyone that uses this video makes $5,000 per day; this was an early testimonial from one of Nelson Berry's customers.  It seems the customer already made good money, but after using the videos, noticed an increase in income, and reported making $5,000 in a day.  This may have even inspired the name of this video, and series.

Links to 5kperday.com (6)