8-bitcentral.com - #RetroGaming with 8-bit Central features video game articles & news, console & arcade pix, and game reviews

Description: 8-Bit Central is a retro gaming site showcasing detailed photos of video game consoles from Atari to Sony with an unusual blend of manic nonsense. We'll take you to a place where blocky pixels inspire imagination!

sony (1472) nintendo (899) sega (333) atari (242) 8-bit (115) 8bit (103) retro gaming (99) coleco (15) colecovision (13)

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8-Bit Central wants to preserve & promote retro gaming. We provide a blog featuring original news as well as detailed images of video game consoles & handhelds. Our images include multiple angles, ports & connections, and some of the more interesting accessories. Our goal is inspiring anyone passionate or curious about retro gaming to delve farther into 8-bit games and 1980's arcade gaming! We try to keep a sense of humor about video games because most folks in our demographic are involved in their school P

Check out all of our Gaming Videos .

I still own the Atari 2600 I bought when I was 12 and have collected several more Atari consoles as well as ones from Coleco , Mattel , NEC , Nintendo , Ouya , RCA , Sega , SNK Playmore , Sony , and a few miscellaneous ones. My buddy & I built arcade-quality joysticks for our early Atari (and controller-compatible) consoles.

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