Description: to prevent fire hazards call 911 Dryer Vent Cleaning Irving TX “near you” service now & don’t worry, all our services come with a free estimate.
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Do you know that dirty dryer vent could threaten your house’s safety? A dryer vent is a necessary appliance inside your home & your company. However, poor maintenance & improper installation could be a serious fire hazard. For that, to prevent dryer fires, you need professional cleaners as 911 Dryer Vent Cleaning Irving TX.
Why the Dryer Vent Catch Fires? According to the fire administration in the U.S. every year in Irving Texas, there are almost 3k fires caused by the dryer vent. The leading cause behind these fires is the malfunction & failure to clean the dryer regularly. A fair percentage of these dryer vent fires happen because of poorly maintained units.
The dryer vent accumulates debris, fibers, & lint inside the drum during the clothes drying process. Although most of the lint is trapped in the lint screen, the lint trap can’t catch 100% of debris & lint. This debris is flammable & can block the airflow of your system.