a-grisu.com - Homepage - aGrisù: future is in the air

Description: aGrisù creates tools for monitoring air pollutants, solutions and applications to visualize human absorption of pollutants also during physical activity, integrates processed data into third parties services/applications through A.P.I. and supplies real-time quality index of the environment.

Example domain paragraphs

Know the air you breathe inside or outside your home

with aGrisù's most reliable and accurate instruments.

To respond to the current global emergency, Covid-19, remember that with the use of LaCentralina you can control the quantity of PM1, PM2.5 and PM4 and PM10 ( scientifically correlated with the viral and bacterial load of the environment ), ozone and know number of people in a room through analysis of carbon dioxide amount. Check with your accountant the tax credit that can be applied.

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