a1caretest.com - Coming Soon

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Samples are tested Monday through Friday from 9:00 AM – 5:00 PM (EST). Results are emailed or faxed to the contact information that was listed on the test form. For questions related to the status of a result, please email the code located on the bottom of the test to [email protected]

Interview! Gus Ray, Owner of Baycom Diagnostics

“When I first received my A1C test I was excited to see the results. A normal glucose curve had always provided too many variables and was tough to know if the results were true. When I tested my first patient, I got a higher than expected number.  This dog was supposed to be well regulated. I was able to adjust his dosing and found a much better insulin dose. My second patient was a rather large cat. This cat always had a slightly elevated glucose but was also extremely nervous for exams and sample collect