aactivecoin.ca - Home - Aactive Coin - Pool table and dart board rentals

Description: We have pool and dart leagues, along with a variety of coin operated games to compliment your location. We rent pool tables, electronic dart boards and more.

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Welcome to Aactive coin.  We offer pool leagues and dart leagues along with a variety of other coin operated games to compliment your location.

VNEA  – Winnipeg’s largest pool league.  With over 3,000 registered players and 400 teams.  Offering 8 division from novice to master.  Ensuring no matter what your skill level, we have a division for you. We also offer leagues in  Beausejour, Brandon, Portage la Prairie, Selkirk, Northern Manitoba, The Pas, and Southwest Manitoba. Players and teams compete for cash and prizes at the end of the season.

BCA –  A pool league for more advanced players in the city.