Description: ABC Southeast Texas Chapter is a construction industry trade association dedicated to promoting the merit shop philosophy. Our craft training center provides a a range of programs to help individuals become skilled craftspeople, NCCER assessments, an established DOL approved apprenticeship program, and job find assistance for our students.
business (51736) tagline (14994)
What is ABC? Associated Builders and Contractors, Inc (ABC) is the only organization truly representing the interest of the Merit Contractor. With 21,000 plus members throughout the nation, we provide the strength in numbers to be heard on issues affecting the construction industry. ABC is the only national construction management trade association devoted exclusively to promoting and defending the "merit" form of construction.
ABC is the only construction trade group that represents the entire construction team: general contractors, speciality contractors, suppliers and industry professionals.
Our mission statement here at ABC is to deliver safe, quality, industrial/construction services, on time, at a competitive rate.