abeduspress.com - abeduspress.com – Make your own medicines

Description: Make your own medicines

california (12602) healing (5987) pain (2490) self help (1109) chronic pain (611) foraging (78) medicinal plants (65)

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This book was written by a Scientist, James Adams, who studied with a Chumash Indian Healer for 14 years. Michelle Wong and Enrique Villasenor are fellow healers and help lead hikes and workshops with Dr. Adams. Do you want to learn how to make and use plant medicines in a safe and sustainable way? The book will teach you. You can also come to our walks and workshops where we will help you learn.

You will find 118 plants, each with a color photograph. Each plant has a description, traditional uses, scientific basis for its use and recommendations for the safe use of the medicine. These medicines are based on American Indian knowledge. You can buy the book at the paypal button below. Or you can send $26.85 (CA) or $24.85 (outside CA) to Abedus Press, PO Box 2306, Orinda, CA 94563. Thank you.

2022 hike and talk schedule. Email for more information [email protected]. I will lead monthly walks in Benicia State Park, Native Plant Garden at 10AM on Feb 11, March 11, April 8, June 10 and July 15. May 13, Ojai workshop register with Lanny Kaufer, [email protected].