aberdaronlink.co.uk - Twristiaeth Aberdaron Tourism

Description: Twristiaeth Aberdaron Tourism, Penllyn, lleyn Peninsula, Gwynedd, North Wales

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There's plenty to do in Summer at Aberdaron, with miles of sandy beaches to explore and enjoy the sun. Sea kayaking is an excellent way to explore the coastline and visit secret coves or to use as a base for fishing or diving. Why not take a trip to Bardsey Island and discover the Isle of 20,000 saints and the ruins of St Mary's Abbey, see the seals and sea birds (sea crossing is dependent on good weather). Dolphins are also seen in the seas around the Llŷn Peninsula. With many Regattas during the summer mo

Service starts 1/4/23 To book, download the app phone or use the QR code to book online. You may also use your travel card.

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