abgynservices.com - Bronx Abortion 718-829-7000 Saturday Walk-ins Welcome, 2070 Eastchester Rd, ONE LOW FEE includes ALL MEDS, All Insurance OK, Tee

Description: Our Bronx Abortion Office performs safe confidential abortions by Board-certified, New York State Licensed MDs. Bronx Abortion is dedicated to providing the highest quality GYN services to all women. Teenagers welcome. Medicaid Welcome.One low price includes all medications, labwork, anesthesia, sonogram, counseling, follow-up, hotline! Saturday Morning Walk-Ins Welcome 7AM

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Our Bronx Office now provides the safe, NON-SURGICAL ABORTION PILL. Our caring, professional staff is dedicated to making your experience in our office comfortable, supportive and short. Early Medical Abortion is the routine treatment option for pregnancies up to 10 weeks of pregnancy.

There is one all inclusive REDUCED FEE for a medical abortion. Please call our office for detailed information.

WE ARE OPEN ON SATURDAYS AT FROM 7AM. Call 718-829-7000 for an appointment or WALK-IN to our office on 2070 Eastchester Road in the Bronx, New York. We offer free transportation to and from our convenient Bronx Office.