abhirammk.github.io - Abhiram Kidambi

Description: Abhiram Kidambi's website

mathematics (1263) academic (1027) computation (87) mathematician (43) black holes (26) string theory (23) number theory (22) mathematical physics (13) computational mathematics (8) arithmetic geometry (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Hi there! My name is Abhiram Kidambi. I am a mathematical physicist whose job is replacable by any bio-mechanical program or function that inputs caffienated beverages and outputs mathematical theories of the universe. I also develop new and hilarious ways of getting into trouble. Often dangerous. Existentialism and comic nihilism are my dear friends. See this and this . If I am not in my office solving problems, you will most likely find me climbing a mountain, or rummaging through a jungle or wilderness,

Office Phone : Plugged into a socket in a rather inconvenient and narrow corner of my office. Consequently, all phone calls will be ignored. Email :

My academic worldline includes Bangalore (electronics), Nottingham (theoretical physics), Munich (math, math-phys) and Vienna (math, math-phys, th-phys), Stanford (math, math-phys) (Marshall Fellow (2018-2019), Long term visitor @ SITP (2019-2020)). I obtained my PhD under the supervision Timm Wrase and Anton Rebhan . Dissertation: Automorphic Forms in String Theory: From Moonshine to Wall Crossing . I am currently a postdoc at the Kavli IPMU and a Riemann Fellow at the Riemann Center for Geometry and Physi