abla.ro - ABLA – Amateur Basketball League Arad

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In data de 8 octombrie a inceput sezonul cu numarul 20. In prima confruntare al sezonului s-au intalnit echipele Best si Valbon, meci care totdeauna a fost considerat un derby ABLA. In cadrul echipei Best s-au reunit jucatorii vechi al acestei echipe cum ar fii Kovacs Adam, Mihnea Burtea sau Victor Veina, care au dus…

Hello all, let’s start off with the 1st round of the ABL, with the games between Best Arad and Mp sport Tm, Scorpionii vs Vikings Plumbers vs Younique and Bastards vs Phoenix. Best vs MP, a duel between the future of basketball on this side of the country. MP lost altough the performance of Luci…

Hello everyone, a new season of the ABL is about to start. We set the starting date to the 6th of October. After the staff meeting we had last week, we established some rules for the new season. Each team, must fill out and send the participation form until 29.09.2018 via e-mail. Partially completed forms…