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Description: Able healthcare Professionals

canada (14520) healthcare (5906) careers (2019) professionals (1146) jamaica (727) nurses (504) able (264) psw (50) hiring workers (3) doctos (1)

Example domain paragraphs

  Priorities of the Personal Support Worker   Personal Support Workers in Home Care Setting   Personal Support Workers in Long Term Care Facilities   PSW's and Their Role with Disabled Children and Adults

The RNFS pilot project involves educating Registered Nurses (RNs) to perform flexible sigmoidoscopies (i.e. a diagnostic procedure used to screen for abnormalities in the lower third of the colon) increasing patient access to colorectal cancer screening. Read More

RN-SFAs function collaboratively with the surgical team to achieve optimal patient outcomes. Creation of these positions supports reducing wait times for surgical services as well as recruitment/retention strategies by presenting nurses with new opportunities for career enhancement and development of new skills. Read More