ablognotlimited.com - A Blog Not Limited ~ Created by Emily Lewis

Description: Online repository for Emily P. Lewis' thoughts on web design, web standards, semantics and whatever else.

web design (201569) blog (29603) web development (14925) new mexico (1688) albuquerque (945) web standards (178) semantics (76) expressionengine (55) emily lewis (1) a blog not limited (1)

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A Blog Not Limited was developed using web standards and some of the latest–and–greatest web design technologies. Unfortunately for you, you're using Internet Explorer 6, which is not a standards-compliant browser .

In fact, IE6 is the biggest piece–of–shit browser out there.

As such, I've decided that you don't get to enjoy the lovely visual experience I've put together for A Blog Not Limited … although you can still access content, because I do love you.

Links to ablognotlimited.com (2)