aboriginalecotours.com - Talaysay

Description: Aboriginal & Eco Tour Services is a booking centre giving visitors retail access to eco-tourism and Aboriginal culture and travel products and services throughout British Columbia.

nature (8128) health and wellness (659) walking tour (165) indigenous tour (3) aboriginal eco tours (2) stanley park tour (2) tours for corporate groups (2) stanley park history (2) medicinal walk (2) first nations medicinal knowledge (2)

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Date: August 1, 2018 Written by: Sophie W From: Baden-Wurttemberg, Bavaria, Germany

We took this tour with our kids between preschool and grade 4. As an adult, I found the tour very fascinating and would strongly recommend it. The school kids were fascinated by the uses for various plants and preschoolers were fascinated by the various stories that our guide told along the way, and surprised me by how much they'd remembered afterwards. In terms of children: If you're looking for something where young kids will have fun and have smiling faces the whole way through, don't do this tour. But i

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