aboutsculpture.com - Contemporary Sculpture Ideas & Tips

Description: Resources and information on the fine art of sculpture. You will discover ideas and useful tips that you never knew before and create beautiful sculptures without being a professional artist.

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Sculpture is the art of conceiving a three-dimensional artwork. Sculptures can be formed by shaping any hard material, the most common being stone (either marble or granite), wood or metal. Sculpting artists with great sculpture ideas can also create sculptures using softer materials like clay or plastic that can be harden after they are shaped. Sculptures can also be made from rope, chain, wire or many other materials. Certain sculptors specialize in using other unusual or bizarre materials. They create co

Sculpture is one of the earliest known forms of art, with some sculptures dating back to the earliest known civilizations. Throughout the centuries sculpture has remained very popular as a way of teaching people lessons about morality and acceptable social interaction. It is also popular as means of expressing religious beliefs, decorating homes and useful objects, and as a way of remembering the dead.