abovethewave.com - Above the Wave, Engineering Visualization & Trial Presentation

Description: National litigation consulting firm, based in Washington D.C., providing trial presentation technology, legal visualization, war room and video syncing services

illustration (16075) animation (10600) graphics (5638) ipad (4255) 2d (1366) exhibits (367) evidence (315) deposition (103) demonstrative (6) hot seat (3)

Example domain paragraphs

Providing advanced engineering visualization and trial presentation solutions. Skilled in the generation of multimedia including:  aerial and terrestrial drone HD videography, 3D modeling and animation, Illustration and development of presentations for complex data. Artful in the presentation of media assets, including: live, on-the-fly deployment, from PowerPoint or from within a custom, interactive and educational application. Masterful in consulting on data presentation techniques and their physical exec

© 2022 ​ABOVE THE WAVE, llc  l  call (774) 245-7718  I   email  [email protected] ver. 00.01.5

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