abovetucson.com - Above Tucson Then and Now by James Glinski, Tucson, Arizona, Jim Glinski, Aerial Photographs

Description: Above Tucson Then and Now by James Glinski presents aerial photographs of Tucson, Arizona taken between the 1930s and today, showing the incredible transformation of this southwestern city.

architecture (13651) arizona (4840) aviation (2857) photographs (2343) aerial photography (899) american southwest (14) urban growth (7) above tucson then and now (1) james glinski (1) jim glinski (1)

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Unique to this site is a third photograph matched to a selected pair from the book. Taken in 2005 to commemorate the tenth anniversary of the book’s publication, the new images illustrate further changes that have occurred during the last decade in the Tucson valley. An interactive map page showing the location of every photo in the book is accessed through the map page . Click on a selected site to view sets of photographs that includes the updated comparison. These photographs illustrate how Tucson underw