abrahamlee.com - 博鱼官方网站- 博鱼(中国)

Description: 博鱼官方网站- 博鱼(中国)(牢记发财域名:www.kaiyun6868.com)占地面积13万m2,建筑面积7万m2,现拥有总资产3亿元,职工500多人,工程技术人员180多人,年销售收入近2亿元。是国家高新技术企业,建有手表研发中心,拥有一支知识结构合理、综合素质高的科研开发队伍。公司在产品开发中,坚持自主创新与引进吸收相结合的方针,适应市场、快速反应,积极研发适销对路的新品,是杭州市专利试点(示范)企业。

博鱼官方网站- 博鱼(中国) (13)

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Abraham Lee's Missionary blog

Hello, This is a page of A House on Sale in Hokkaido, JAPAN. I am a missionary in Hokkaido, JAPAN from Dec. 1997. My family of 3 has lived in Tokachi sub-prefecture of Hokkaido over 25 years now. My son got married with his wife and continue to live in Tokachi area. Our focus is on unreached area of Hokkaido and one of the town called Urahoro was our first place to live in as we start to own a ministry house (A house where you can live in and also has enough space to host people for worship and fellowship.)

Since 2021, we began our visits to Esashi town near Hakodate. Each time we visit, the Hokkaido Research Center is being established. The house is being repaired and upgraded as we see fit in each visit. Since we first visited this house, we have fixed 1) Boiler for hot water 2) Many hot and cold line leaked areas 3) Replacing many faucets 4) Garage Electric Door 5) 4 heaters for the winter season Kitchen/Bath were two main areas to fix since the water line was broken. But now everything seems to work fine.

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