abrams-wiki.org - ABRAMS world trade wiki | Business Intelligence Portal

Description: A unique portal with combined data from UN Comtrade, customs authorities, bills of lading, and port data. ► Generate knowledge out of big data.

Example domain paragraphs

UN Comtrade , the trade database of the United Nations, states: “ABRAMS world trade wiki is the first to introduce a unique business intelligence portal, where UN Comtrade macro-economic data is connected with customs trade data . [...] ABRAMS world trade wiki is used by governments, policymakers, investors, entrepreneurs, researchers, logisticians and consultants as an important resource and instrument to generate knowledge out of big data .”

Our award-winning world trade database grants you unprecedented transparency: Who supplies what to whom worldwide at what price (s)? With a few clicks, you’ll have everything on your radar! There is no better competitive edge …

Profit from procurement – especially when it comes to purchasing the right data: We reveal the suppliers of your suppliers . Through sources like millions of international bills of lading. Lower your purchase prices by skipping the middlemen! Interesting?