absolutenonsense.co.uk - Absolute Nonsense

Description: Absolute Nonsense is a website devoted entirely to the creation and consolidation of nonsense, for the good and betterment of mankind.

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Example domain paragraphs

Ab_N is pleased to announce that the Nonsense of The Month award goes to Tom Harper of the Sunday Times . Mr Harper's article, published in the print version of the Murdoch owned Sunday Times news paper, claimed, based on absolutely no evidence, that UK government agencies had to take extreme precautions as Russia and China had access to the full unencrypted archive of files taken from the NSA by Edward Snowden. Ars were the first to point out the lack of rigour, fact checking or any information whatsoever

"Clueless dickhead"

Absolute Nonsense would like to make more people aware that truly inspired codswallop like this is unexpected from the press, so it is sometimes not so easy to determine if an article is actually written in jest. Missing the obvious joke, one reddit commentator called Mr Harper a clueless dickhead, before later removing their slur after seeing Tom Harper defend his article on CNN , where Mr Harper had the audience in stitches with his “I don't know” reply to every question, along with his “deer caught in th