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We are a global community of individuals, organizations and networks who are deeply involved in developing living examples that show what is possible in creating social systems that foster biological, social, and economic well being.

Magnolia Moonshot 2030 (MM2030) is a new narrative for women’s leadership, creating the conditions to activate our collective power to address the greatest challenges we face today. By convening networks of women leaders who are urgently addressing the climate crisis, MM2030 amplifies our collective ability for positive impact.

The number of women led organizations emerging, or shifting their focus, in response to the climate crisis and the role women play, is growing dramatically, creating untold potential. However, the ever-increasing constellation of players lacks the connective tissue needed for unprecedented collaboration that will accelerate effective action. MM2030 will provide reinforcement for each other, and for the impact we collectively seek – a world where all life flourishes.

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