- EN - acb GmbH

Description: Als erfahrener Partner bietet die acb effizienzsteigernde und innovative Services im Bereich der Fondsadministration von Immobilien-Vehikeln. Lernen Sie uns und unser Leistungsspektrum kennen.

kvg (35) fondsverwaltung (4) kapitalverwaltungsgesellschaften (2) fondsgesellschaft verwaltung internationale immobilienportfolios (2)

Example domain paragraphs

Real estate investments tend to be extremely complex – governed by the most diverse regulatory requirements, within a constantly evolving product environment and dealing with different interest groups coupled with complex data and information.

We wish to support German and Luxembourg investment fund companies in dealing with these diverse requirements, to enable our clients to focus on what really matters – after all, at acb, we believe that added value can be created by strong partners focussing on their respective core competences.

We therefore help newly established investment companies as well as established firms to implement their own strategies. This is possible with the aid of a comprehensive portfolio of services based on a production model, unique on the market, which maximises benefits for our clients.