- Access Bedford for D/deaf and hard of hearing

Description: Access Bedford’s aim is to work with the D/deaf and hard of hearing community to make Bedford Borough more accessible.

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Welcome to Access Bedford Access Bedford’s aim is to work with the D/deaf and hard of hearing community to make Bedford Borough more accessible. Training & Services Access Bedford are incredibly pleased to be able to offer Basic BSL and Deaf Awareness Training online and face to face. Click Here Events & Info We have regular and seasonal activities across Bedfordshire which are open to everyone. Click Here Support Our Work We are a small charity and we rely on donations, grant funding and our amazingvolunte

Established in 2013 by 4 Bedford-based Volunteers, Access Bedford started to bring together the D/deaf Community to socialise and work with services to be more D/deaf aware, the journey continues and today.

Access Bedford is run by a group of volunteers – 3 trustees and 5 committee members (supported by an Admin Officer) who coordinate a range of events and activities across Bedford Borough to improve access for the D/deaf community locally. 

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