- The Accidental Amazon

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About six months ago, I got two snail mail letters from the Social Security Administration. I’m happy to report that, amid all the bloody, effing nonsense the current administration & the Senate put us through last year, with government shutdowns, games of budgetary chicken, etcetera and ad infinitum, the SSA was not one of the agencies that got shut down. They were at work, their employees employed and getting paid. Thank goodness. I found this out because both letters required me to contact them. One of t

Medicare? Really?? Am I that freaking old???

I should explain that, as a homecare physical therapist, I have good, employer-based health insurance and work for a healthcare system that includes a hospital, which comes in handy. I also know a lot about Medicare, because most of my patients have Medicare, or one of its optional plans that are managed by insurance companies. Which means that most of my patients are older than I am, and are retired. Increasingly, I have noticed that a lot more of my patients are much closer to my age than ever, and a lot

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