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Description: Gain Competitive Advantage The Accounting MOVE Project translates the business case for advancing women and people of color to business results by delivering accounting and advisory firms the most comprehensive data and guidance on finding, retaining, developing and advancing diverse talent. Sign Up for MOVE 2024 What is the Accounting MOVE Project? The Accounting MOVE

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FAQ Methodology & Fees Archives Resources Contact Us Login Gain Competitive Advantage The Accounting MOVE Project translates the business case for advancing women and people of color to business results by delivering accounting and advisory firms the most comprehensive data and guidance on finding, retaining, developing and advancing diverse talent.

The Accounting MOVE Project is the only annual benchmarking research and advocacy report that equips accounting and advisory firms to detect, develop and drive competitive advantages from diversity initiatives and trends.

MOVE measures both demographic data and workplace culture to understand what works now, in today’s economy, to advance women and other underrepresented groups in firm leadership. Our research supports:

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