- Accu-Steer auto-pilot pumps & hydraulic steering systems

Description: Accusteer, part of Kobelt, manufactures high quality autopilot pump-sets, steering manifolds, power assist steering units and hydraulic power units (HPUs).

power (3435) systems (2634) pump (835) controls (573) fluid (336) steering (126) reversible (35) auto-pilot (16) kobelt (7) accu-steer (2)

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Accu-Steer pumps & manifolds provide power & assistance to hydraulic steering and autopilots. 

Accu-Steer, now part of Kobelt, produces the industry’s top range of autopilot pump-sets, power assist steering units and hydraulic power units for pleasure boats, commercial fishing vessels and different types of other commercial marine vessels.

The Accu-Steer power assist steering system  is built to navigate the roughest seas with ease of control. Steering is a critical function on your boat and the Accu-steer steering unit utilizes solid state control, making steering safe, reliable and effortless. It has been designed to seamlessly revert to manual steering in the event of a power failure, ensuring that you always remain safe and have control. It is suitable for either inboard or outboard applications and can accommodate multiple input devices.