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Description: A. C. H. Smith is a writer based in Bristol, UK. He has published a dozen novels and novelisations, a few non-fiction books, some poetry, and has had 20 plays and music-theatre pieces staged or televised. He is the author of The Dark Crystal and Labyrinth, two novelisations done for Jim Henson.

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One or two people have told me my face reminds them of Kurt Vonnegut. I'd rather my writing did. Photo: Caroline

Another writer once told me I'd made a mistake in choosing my writing name. The initials were a turn-off, notwithstanding T.S. Eliot, W.B. Yeats, W.H. Auden, not to mention D.C.S. Compton, P.B.H. May. I explained that I knew of four other writers called Anthony Smith. When I published my first book, The Crowd , I could not settle for being just A.C. Smith, the only initials on my birth certificate, because I was reporting cricket for The Times then and A.C. Smith was a Warwickshire player. I perhaps should

I've published a dozen novels and novelisations , a few non-fiction books, some poetry , and had 20 plays and music-theatre pieces staged or televised. They are listed on Wikipedia , together with brief biographical notes. My memoir, Wordsmith , was published by the Redcliffe Press in May, 2012.