- Acorn Abbey

Description: Books, blogs, and simple living in the foothills of the Blue Ridge Mountains

books (17154) publishing (3763) into the woods (13) stokes county (7) fugue in ursa major (1) ken ilgunas (1) walden on wheels (1) acorn abbey (1) gothic revival cottage (1)

Example domain paragraphs

Cover illustration by Duncan Long.

Jake is young, and his life seems boring. Phaedrus is old, and his life seems empty. Phaedrus seems to think that a nightmare is about to happen. Jake just wants to go on dreaming. Does Phaedrus really know something? Or is he just a broken old man? Jake must choose. If Phaedrus is right, then Jake’s life is going to change, and Jake will have to rethink everything he ever knew.

Fugue in Ursa Major is post-apocalyptic science fiction in the brainy tradition of Isaac Asimov. Author David Dalton says that Asimov's Foundation series was one of the inspirations for Fugue in Ursa Major .