- Personal blog site of Alastair Cutting

Description: Alastair Cutting, Archdeacon of Lewisham & Greenwich, C of E priest, husband, dad. English-born Scot-bred Indian-raised 3CK. Passion for God, Macs, Aotearoa NZ.

missionary (430) armistice (13) ww1 centenary (3) cecil cutting (2)

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still let me guard the holy fire, and still stir up the gift in me

The Queen’s long reign is like a tune, like a melody line running throughout our lives. She has been a constant. Her visage instantly recognisable, her voice and mannerisms easily identifiable.

Of the melodies we know, apparently globally the tune we are all most familiar with, and share in signing together most, is – Happy Birthday . In the UK, probably the next most familiar song we know the words of and sing together, is God save our gracious Queen . Or it has been until we now all try and remember to sing King . But it is not just this tune I mean when I speak of the Queen’s reign running like a melody. It’s more about the Queen herself. Her life, as a musical metaphor. 

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