- OnDemand For Clinicians | OnDemand Solutions | Wolters Kluwer

Description: Clinicians and researchers can access an entire online library with key sessions from meetings that you can watch anytime, anywhere, on any device.

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Stay informed with the latest, cutting-edge advances in diabetes research and the most informative diabetes programs and proven education strategies from the world’s largest meeting dedicated to diabetes, hosted by the American Diabetes Association®.

With the 80th Scientific Sessions OnDemand, you’ll have anytime, anywhere, any-device access to more than 800 presentations from this year’s five-day 80th Scientific Sessions: A Virtual Experience. OnDemand lets you delve deeper into findings from five cutting-edge clinical trials and view nine Special Addresses and Award Lectures—all on your own time and terms.

OnDemand’s extensive digital library has 325 hours of diabetes sessions, special addresses, clinical trials, awarded lectures and more popular meeting content—including the latest data from the eValuation of ERTugliflozin Efficacy and Safety CardioVascular Outcomes Trial (VERTIS-CV). All of this valuable diabetes insight and content can be accessed with OnDemand until September 10, 2020—and an additional two-year upgrade is also available.