- Adam's Ministry - End Time Bible Prophecy News 2017

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Hello and welcome to Adam II Ministries.

Within this website you will discover a wealth of vital information including the following: - Biblical mysteries including the walls of Jericho - The history of the Bible and how it is repeated today - The Book of Revelation decoded and other dream interpretations - The life of Jesus Christ - Jesus' prophecies and warnings - Fulfilled end times prophecies and what is to come - Inspirational quotes and daily bible verses - Secret agendas of a mysterious elite - The real identities of the Lord's angels and t

My name is Adam Cherrington, founder of Adam II Ministries. I am a born-again Christian and got saved around about July 2012 after a very powerful service at the church I attend. I nearly had a heart attack and figured it must have been the coffee or something. Anyway, the very next day I started writing about the Battle of Jericho in the Book of Joshua and could not stop for days. I had never written a book before or even considered it, but for some reason unknown to me I was now possessed with the Holy Sp