- ADA-Magazine – Architecture Design Art

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The socially responsive award highlights the integrity of communal approach and in impacting lives where the concept and the practice respond to transdisciplinary methodologies of knowledge production with situated understanding through design, aesthetics, sustainability and outreach. Jury citation on PLAYGROUND CENTRAL JAIL (prison) | SAKINA HASSAN JAFRI The charitable nature...

It is rare to find such a vision in the proposal of furniture in industrial design. The entry is a perfect crossroad between cultural tradition and a very assumed contemporary identity. This project brings freshness, lightness while being true to its materiality which is metal, beautiful feat. Sense of rhythm,...

The discipline of art had a total of 3 winners in three distinct categories covering a wide range through which arts is perceived in the contemporary times. Jury citation on INDUS WATER MACHINE | PAK KHAWATEEN: The Pak Khawateen Painting Club’s multimedia research project examines the large scale interventions of...

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